Saturday, June 24, 2006

Why You Should Order Your Corporate Holiday Gifts in July or August

Why am I posting about corporate holiday gifts in July?

Because this is the best time to get a good price, ensure availability, and get exactly what you want from your local gift basket company.

Gift basket companies are up to their eyeballs in orders from November through December. To prepare for this onslaught, they order inventory and supplies months in advance. Many gift companies make more than half of their yearly sales in December. They survive on little food or sleep until the holidays are over. In the slower summer months, they begin planning and creating their marketing, hiring help, taking inventory, making bows, imprinting ribbon, and assembling baskets. However, no matter how prepared they are, last minute orders always come.

As a result, many companies offer deep discounts for early orders, especially large corporate orders. Since corporate employees are always looking to save money, they can be heroes and the gift basket provider can better serve them. In addition, by ordering Christmas gift baskets or Kosher gift baskets for Hanukkah early, the customer is able to specify exactly what they want and be assured it will arrive on time. Optional services like gift ribbon imprinted with your company name or logo can also be arranged at this time. This is a great way to ensure that the recipient remembers who sent the gift and keep your name in front of clients.

Clearly, early orders are a win-win for everyone.

Visit our site at: to see our corporate holiday gifts.


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